Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hello there!

My name is Burbong 25. I'm a house and I'm in the process of being built. This blog will track the building progress, with the hope that people can see how I was built and therefore appreciate my presence on this planet :)

I stand on a fairly sloped land, so I imagine it would be quite a challenge (or perhaps not) to get me standing straight. I just hope my builders know what they're doing!

The land I occupy happens to be right next to a conservation park, which is why my owners (they're a really nice couple btw) bought it in the first place, not knowing that the building regulation around such land would be quite strict. They fell in love with the conservation park and the greeneries surrounding my site, and made an offer to the sales agent right away. It was September 2007 that they finally got it for 10% less than the original price, and were deliriously happy!

You may be wondering why this blog starts today (27 May 2009) if the land was bought in 2007. It's a long story that will be revealed in the next posts. Stay tuned!

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